Are you afraid you'll lose all control and go off the rails if you have an unplanned day off of homeschool? My type A personality understands you completely. Check out my top 5 reasons to cancel your homeschool day! I know your kids will be so happy you read this!

Are you struggling with knowing when it’s okay to cancel your homeschool day? Do you feel like if you cancel the day just once, your kids will want to cancel school every day, you will lose all control, and your homeschool will fall apart? There are many benefits that come from you being in the…

Concerned about socializing your homeschooler? Looking for ideas to help them make friends? Been there! Let me save you time, money, and energy by sharing this awesome strategy I developed to get my children connected in a solid group of friends. It works!

Are you wanting to help your homeschooler make friends? Worried about how they are ever going to meet kids their age? You are not alone! Many parents struggle with understanding how a child can have solid friendships without going to school every day. They have visions of their child staring out the window as the…

Tired of hearing 'Are we done yet?!' during your homeschool day? This simple and flexible homeschool routine is the key to stop the whining and kickstart your kids' productivity! It will give you a daily schedule that is just right for your unique kids. I have been using this routine method for over 3 years in my homeschool and it works - for all my kids! There is even a free printable with so you can get going today!

Trying to find a homeschool routine that you can actually stick with?  Tired of struggling with your kids to get things done? Do you feel like a failure when they keep asking “Are we done yet???” and the school work is only half over? I here you, and I have something to share with you…